Photo of line 2-Sofia metro, 1
Photo of line 2-Sofia metro, 2
Photo of line 2-Sofia metro, 3

Photos of Line 2 of Sofia metro

Photo gallery of Line 2 of Sofia metro. 

Lomsko shose station
Lomsko shose station
Lomsko shose station

Lomsko shose station

Photos from Lomsko shose station

Beli Dunav station
Beli Dunav station
Beli Dunav station

Beli Dunav station

Photos from Beli Dunav station

Nadezhda station
Nadezhda station
Nadezhda station

Nadezhda station

Photos from Nadezhda station

Han Kubrat station
Han Kubrat station
Han Kubrat station

Han Kubrat station

Photos from Han Kubrat station

Knyaginya Maria Luisa station
Knyaginya Maria Luisa station
Knyaginya Maria Luisa station

Knyaginya Maria Luisa station

Photos from Knyaginya Maria Luisa station

Central Railway station
Central Railway station
Central Railway station

Central Railway station

Photos from Central Railway station

Lavov Most station
Lavov Most station
Lavov Most station

Lavov Most station

Photos from Lavov Most station

Serdica 2 station
Serdica 2 station
Serdica 2 station

Serdica 2 station

Photos from Serdica 2 station

National Palace of Culture station
National Palace of Culture station
National Palace of Culture station

National Palace of Culture station

Photos from National Palace of Culture station

European Union station
European Union station
European Union station

European Union station

Photos from European Union station

James Bourchier station
James Bourchier station
James Bourchier station

James Bourchier station

Photos from James Bourchier station

Vitosha station
Vitosha station
Vitosha station

Vitosha station

Photos from Vitosha station

    Photos of Line 1 of Sofia metro